Responsibility Principles

Cane-line believes that responsibility goes beyond the design and production of furniture. We are committed to a healthy environmental policy and an ongoing focus on minimizing our societal and environmental impact.

Responsibility and environmental awareness are a natural part of Cane-line’s values, and therefore been implemented as a natural part of our company for many years.

As we acquire more knowledge and awareness on our environmental footprints, we continue to work and improve all aspects of our production in a more responsible direction.

Each product in our assortment is produced with care and respect. Responsibility is embedded in every stage of our company, from design process, choice of material, production process and even the end stage after many years of use. Great design is responsible design.

The ISO14001 certification, SMETA audition, and our engagement in the Sustainable Development Goals express our dedication towards this cause.

Explore the Responsibility flyer here.


1. Our vision

Cane-line’s vision is “Life made comfortable” and our vision in a responsibility point of view is to manufacture timeless designs with focus on longevity. A Cane-line product is a long-term investment – for the consumer and for the environment.
Cane-line’s products consist of an optimal mix between materials in high quality, high comfort and innovative technologies. The combination of these elements creates designs with a long lifespan, which can be enjoyed for many years.
Responsibility is embedded in every stage of our products’ lifecycle to ensure the products are created with respect for the environment. From material selection as part of the design and production process, to recycling of the product after many years of use.

2. Commitment & responsibility

We are committed to a healthy environmental policy (ISO14001), which obliges us to run a responsible business. We minimize our societal and environmental impact through smart packaging, reducing material waste, responsibly sourced materials and recycling.
We find it essential to look at every stage of the product’s lifecycle when it comes to minimizing the environmental impact. For instance, leftover materials from production are recycled to ensure that as few materials as possible go to waste. Moreover, all Cane-line products can be detached and recycled.

3. Designed for longevity

We strive to design and produce products with a long lifespan, which can be enjoyed for many years.
We define long-lasting design as designs that can be enjoyed for a long time. Long-lasting designs come to life through timeless design, strong materials, innovative technologies and flexible features.
For instance, you can change the fabric on many of our products. Furthermore, our modular systems give consumers the possibility to add new elements to their lounge groups, as their needs change over time.

4. Intelligent & innovative technologies

We work with intelligent and innovative technologies to improve the design, the quality and lifespan of our products. New technologies often bring new possibilities that have a positive impact and help us towards a more responsible and sustainable production.
For instance, Cane-line QuickDry & Airflow system has improved the quality of our cushions. Consumers can leave the cushions outside in the rain, and after a downpour, the cushions will be dry after approximately 1 hour. A technology that brings value to the consumers.

5. Care, repair & recycle

Cane-line products are created to be enjoyed for many years. We believe in caring for our products by offering reparation in-house at our headquarter to bring new life to our products.
Responsibility is also embedded in the last step of the product life cycle, when it comes to dissembling and recycling the product. Many of Cane-line’s products can be detached, so materials can be disassembled and sorted into correct recycle bins. Thereby, we minimize material waste and ensure that materials can be re-used.

Certifications, audits & engagement


ISO14001 is the most highly reputed international standard for environmental management systems. The certification proves that we are required to maintain a healthy environmental policy with regularly control. This is your guarantee that we are committed to safeguarding our nature and the well-being of people.


Cane-line is audited by DNV-GL: SMETA. An auditing state that obligates us to ensure proper working conditions, such as good health and safety conditions for the employees in our supply chain. Among other things, it means that we under no circumstances allow child labor, and the wage levels must be fair and in accordance with local legislation.

Indonesian Legal Woods

The teakwood used in our furniture is sourced from certified forests under the certification scheme SVLK (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu // Indonesia’s timber legality assurance system). This is your guarantee that the teakwood is approved and forested responsibly, i.e., preserving the natural environment and preventing deforestation.

UN's Sustainable Development Goals

At Cane-line, we proudly support the important mission of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), more specifically Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). The SDGs are set to encourage us to strive for a more sustainable and responsible development, for instance to stop global warming. We believe that we have a responsibility as manufacture to support this mission and pave the way towards a more responsible production.
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